In a secluded region of space, far away from civilization, there have been rumors of shuttles voyaging in, but never returning. You've found yourself in this mysterious zone with limited resources, and must conserve the battery power that you have. With a broken shuttle and a jetpack, it is your goal to collect enough resources to survive, and to escape this anomaly-abundant territory in one piece. 

Collect batteries for more stamina, collect parts for ship power to escape through the mystery portal, interact with satellites for useful tips.


Control menus
D-Pad/Left ThumbstickWASDArrow Keys
Start/Skip Cutscenes
Pause Menu (in-game)
Interact/ConfirmA / South ButtonCK
Switch stage information
view (stage select)
Speed Up Jetpack (hold) 
B / West ButtonXJ

There is also a secret options menu on the title which gives a few options like using a fixed palette instead of the changing palettes. A hint is to try a combination related to changing palettes on GBC, but if you would like to view the code directly:

Code hold left + B on the title screen


Programming: LightningGrey

2D Art: Annibal

Music & SFX: DTG

Game Design: Everyone

GB Unity Template developed by DoctorM64 (

SpaceHaze Palette designed by WildLeoKnight (

Lander font designed by DamienG (


Version 1.1 - Final Primary Build

  • second level complete 
  • intro and ending

Version 1.0.1- GBJam Build Version

  •  functional but feature missing
  • second level (Frigid Ring) currently incomplete


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Very very beautiful art style, but I didn't realy understand the gameplay

Thank you for playing our game! Sorry about the gameplay, we weren’t able to complete the build and thus there is a lack of direction and ending condition currently. I updated our description with some more context earlier. We plan to release a complete build once the voting period ends, so I hope you’d be interested to give it a try again when it releases!